Celebrating Pentecost at Home
Posted on May 20, 2021Pentecost can be just another Sunday, or it can be one of the highlights in the devotional life of the Church! What will it be in your home this year?
The Church celebrates Pentecost as a day of great joy, the day on which God's people of the new covenant were revealed to the world. It is an epiphany: Christ makes his spouse known to the world, and invites all to become his members. On this day we praise God who pours his Spirit on us as his first gift to believers. We praise God for his gift, the Spirit, and for the many ways in which the Spirit is poured into our hearts and lives. Pentecost is a day of praise and gratitude. (CCCB)
Here is one simple prayer to the Holy Spirit that you can pray all year long:
- Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love.
V. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
R. And you shall renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray. O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant us in the same Spirit to be truly wise and ever to rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
10 Pentecost activities for kids and families
- Make an origami dove – the link here links to a youtube video as well as written instructions
- This dove is made out of a paper plate more suited for younger children
- These ribbon streamers with red, yellow and orange ribbons to represent flames
- Make a ribbon mobile. Each ribbon tied on could represent a prayer or a person for whom you are praying
- One of the significant parts of the pentecost story is that people who spoke different languages were able to understand one another. Take that idea and learn something in a different language together as a family. Here’s a resource that has “I love you” in 100 different languages
- Make flames with paint, a plate, and a salad spinner
- This camping lantern looks very fun (and useful for camping after pentecost is over!)
- Here’s a wonderful collection of pentecost prayers. Pick one that resonates with your family and pray it at the dinner table.
- Sky Lanterns, perfect to launch on pentecost
- Make a red velvet cake. This recipe looks great!