School Directory

The mission of GrACE is to inspire, invigorate and embolden the spirit of Catholic education in order to unite, engage, educate and communicate with one voice on its behalf.


  • Catholic Education has existed in Alberta for 160 years.
  • The Constitution Act of 1867 established the roots of Alberta's publicly funded separate schools.
  • In 1905 (when the province of Alberta was established) section 17 of the Alberta Act provided full rights for separate schools whether the minority faith was Catholic or Protestant.
  • In 1958 the Alberta Catholic Schools Trustees Association was formed with the purpose of uniting Catholic School trustees across Alberta.
  • In 1988 the Alberta School Act reaffirmed Catholic school rights.



  • Catholic schools are unique and distinct.
  • The mission vision values and behaviours of Catholic Schools are founded in Gospel Values and lived intentionally.
  • Catholic schools are all-inclusive, welcoming school communities where all students are unique creations of God and are cherished as gifts from God.
  • Catholic education affirms parents as their children’s primary educators and respect the rights of parents to choose the school that best meets their needs.
  • Catholic schools are committed to academic excellence.



  • There are 483 Catholic schools in Alberta
  • There are 24 Catholic boards in Alberta, NWT and Yukon
  • There are over 183,571 students receiving a Catholic Education in Alberta, NWT and Yukon 
  • Alberta is one of three provinces in Canada with publicly funded Catholic education (the other two provinces are Ontario and Saskatchewan).
  • Alberta Catholic ratepayers represent approximately one quarter of Alberta’s tax revenue base and contribute to the funding of Catholic schools through their property, income and other taxes. 


  1. Each child is precious, gifted and loved.
  2. Catholic worldview is evident in physical space, liturgical celebrations and prayer life.
  3. Our faith permeates every aspect of education including learning outcomes and teaching strategies.
  4. Catholic educators are living witnesses to the Gospel.
  5. Catholic schools are safe and caring communities.


  1. Get Informed
  2. Promote the value of Catholic education with those you know.
  3. Start the conversation.
  4. Speak with confidence.
  5. Talk to provincial politicians about the value of Catholic education.
  6. Support the work of Grateful Advocates for Catholic Education (GrACE) by liking our Facebook page: SHARE page with 2 or 3 friends. Like. Comment. Share.
  7. Be a positive voice on social media.
  8. Read articles that can help you formulate thoughtful responses to some of the common arguments.
  9. Join in a partnership - GrACE CTR, other GrACE Groups in the province and all PARENT COUNCILS across the division to advocate for Catholic Education! 
  10. Pray for Catholic Education.