Early childhood is a significant period in human development. It is the time when children begin to develop independence, initiative, decision-making, creativity early literacy and numeral skills, the ability to relate to others, verbal communication skills, and feelings of self-worth! What young children learn at this stage will have a major impact on successful learning experiences in school, on personal development and on future participation in society.
Childhood Development Check-ups

Our Early Learning Team offers free developmental check-ups for current and potential students. Assessments are available in the areas of speech and language development, fine and gross motor skill development as well as social/emotional regulation. Call 403-502-8365 or earlylearning@mhcbe.ab.ca to schedule your child a development check-up!
Early Identification - is our key focus. Child Development Checkups are implemented annually in each of our elementary schools for children ages 2 1/2 to 5. Assessment occurs in the areas of speech/language, fine motor, gross motor, and social development and self-help skills.
Collaborative Support Services
Collaborative support team members are committed to establishing quality, inclusive, early learning settings requiring thoughtful programming and support in the most natural preschool environment for all young children, including those who experience developmental delays.
Collaborative support service team members:
- Speech Language Pathologist
- Occupational Therapist
- Physical Therapist
- Emotional & Social Support
- Early Learning Educators
- Certificated Teachers
- Coordinator of Early Childhood Services
Program Unit Funding (PUF)
Program Unit Funding is available to provide individualized programs to meet the educational needs of children with significant/severe delays (for eligible children as young as 2 years, 8 months of age, as of Sept. 1).
Mild or Moderate Support (M/M)
Support is also available for children with mild or moderate developmental delays for eligible children as young as 3 years, 8 months as of Sept. 1.
For Special Education and Early Learning Program inquiries, contact our Learning Services Department at 403-527-2292.
Early Intervention Program
Children can benefit from an Early Intervention Program. If at any time a parent or guardian has concerns about a child’s:
- Speech Development
- Language Skills
- Physical Development
- Motor Skills
- Social /Emotional Development
Please talk to your child’s classroom teacher at any time with any questions or concerns.