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Board Meeting Highlights

Public Board Meeting - March 11, 2025

Risling “Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education approve the 2026-2029 Three-Year Capital Plan and the 2026-2036 10-year Planning Priorities as presented.” Carried unanimously.
Kinch “Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education approve the 2025-26 fees as presented.” Carried unanimously.
Risling “Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education approve the amendment to the 2024-25 IMR plan for an additional $73,000 as presented.” Carried unanimously.
Leahy “Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education approve a Calgary Band Trip fee of $260 for 2024-25.” Carried unanimously.

Public Board Meeting - February 11, 2025

Mastel “THAT the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education approve the attached draft of the proposed 2026-2027 school calendar.” Carried unanimously.
Risling “Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education approve the International Education Fees for 2026-27 and 2027-28 as presented.” Carried unanimously.

Public Board Meeting - January 14, 2025

Risling “Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education accept and approve the 2024-25 First Quarter Financial Update as presented.” Carried unanimously.
Risling “Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education approve the 2025-26 budget assumptions as presented.” Carried 4-1 (In favour: Glasgo, Kinch, Mastel, Risling
Opposed: Leahy)
Kinch “Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education approve the 2024-25 IMR plan for $634,610 as presented.” Carried unanimously.
Risling “Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education approve the 2024-25 CMR plan for $723,783 as presented.” Carried unanimously.
Mastel “Be it resolved that the 2025-26 school attendance boundaries for École St. John Paul II School, St. Mary’s School and Notre Dame Academy be amended as presented to match the programming changes at the schools.” Carried 4-1 (In favour: Glasgo, Kinch, Mastel, Risling
Opposed: Leahy)
Mastel “THAT the Board of Trustees approve the move of the French Immersion Program at École St. John Paul II School to St. Mary’s School effective for the 2027/2028 school year.” Carried 4-1 (In favour: Glasgo, Kinch, Mastel, Risling
Opposed: Leahy)

Public Board Meeting - December 10, 2024

Leahy “THAT the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education approve the Monsignor McCoy High School international trip to France on or about April 3, 2026 – April 11, 2026. Approval is subject to:
• Submitting the final itinerary.
• Submitting all required forms to the Superintendent at least 90 days prior to the trip.
• Submitting a plan if a student is denied access to the flight or entry to the country.
• Transportation details finalized and approved.
• Meet any other requirement of the School Division insurance provider.
• And, it is noted the Board has the right to cancel the trip at any time.”
Carried unanimously.
Kinch "THAT the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education table the following two motions to the January 2025 public board meeting: 
1. 'THAT the Board of Trustees approve the creation of a grade 6 program at St. Mary’s school which includes both English and French Immersion options effective for the 2025-2026 school year.'
2. 'THAT the Board of Trustees reconfigure the grade structure at École John Paul II school from a K-6 to a K-5 program effective for the 2025-2026 school year.'"
Defeated 1-3 (In favour: Kinch 
Opposed: Glasgo, Leahy, Mastel)
Leahy “THAT the Board of Trustees approve the creation of a grade 6 program at St. Mary’s school which includes both English and French Immersion options effective for the 2025-2026 school year.” Carried 3-1 (In favour: Glasgo, Leahy Mastel
Opposed: Kinch)
Mastel “THAT the Board of Trustees reconfigure the grade structure at École John Paul II school from a K-6 to a K-5 program effective for the 2025-2026 school year.” Carried 3-1 (In favour: Glasgo, Leahy Mastel
Opposed: Kinch)
Mastel “THAT the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education: 
1. Appoint Andres Cardona Arias, City of Medicine Hat Chief Electoral Officer, as the Returning Officer for the School Board Election on October 20, 2025; and
2. Appoint Tarolyn Aaserud, City of Medicine Hat City Clerk, as its Substitute Returning Officer for the School Board Election on October 20, 2025; and
3. Provide the ‘2025 School Board Trustee’ information Package for inclusion in the Nomination Package; and
4. The School Board will enter into an agreement with the City of Medicine Hat for provision of election services for the School Board Election on October 20, 2025 under terms and conditions agreeable to both parties.”
Carried unanimously.
Kinch “THAT the Board of Trustees for the Medication Hat Catholic Board of Education approve the School Board Trustee Information Package as presented for inclusion into the Nomination Package for the October 20, 2025 School Board Election.” Carried unanimously.

Public Board Meeting - November 26, 2024

Mastel “Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education approve the 2023-2024 audited financial statements and notes to the financial statement along with the transfers to reserves as presented.” Carried unanimously.
Risling “THAT the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education approve the 2023-2024 Annual Education Results Report as presented.” Carried unanimously.
Risling “Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education approve the increase in the 2024-25 St. Patrick’s School Out-of-School Care fees as presented.” Carried unanimously.

Public Board Meeting - November 12, 2024

Leahy “THAT the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education reappoint Dr. Dwayne Zarichny as the Superintendent of Schools for a term of five years: August 1, 2025 – July 31, 2030.” Carried unanimously.
Kinch “Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education approve the increase in the Notre Dame Academy budget by $57,500 from the Sports Academy accumulated operating surplus.” Carried unanimously.
Risling “Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education approve the increase in the 2024-25 St. Joseph’s Educational Centre budget by $12,000 from the St. Joseph’s Educational Centre accumulated operating surplus.” Carried unanimously.
Risling “Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education approve the increase in the 2024-25 Monsignor McCoy budget by $11,900 from the Monsignor McCoy accumulated operating surplus.” Carried unanimously.
Mastel “Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education approve the increase in the 2024-25 Mother Teresa School budget by $13,500 from the Mother Teresa School accumulated operating surplus.” Carried unanimously.
Leahy “Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education table the proposed motion ‘approve the change in the 2024-25 St. Patrick’s School Out-of-School Care fees as presented’ and ask senior administration to find out how many families will be negatively impacted by the change in the new OSC Fee Schedule presented by St. Patrick’s School.” Carried unanimously.

Public Board Meeting - October 8, 2024

Risling “THAT the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education approve the Monsignor McCoy High School international trip to New York City on or about April 6, 2026 – April 10, 2026. Approval is subject to:
• Submitting the final itinerary.
• Submitting all required forms to the Superintendent at least 90 days prior to the trip.
• Submitting a plan if a student is denied access to the flight or entry to the country.
• Transportation details finalized and approved.
• Meet any other requirement of the School Division insurance provider.
• And, it is noted the Board has the right to cancel the trip at any time.”
Carried unanimously.
Risling “THAT the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education have a public meeting on Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 2:45 p.m. in the Catholic Education Centre to approve the 2023-24 audited financial statements.”

Carried unanimously.

Organizational Board Meeting - October 8, 2024

Kinch "Moved to close nominations." Ms. Kathy Glasgo is acclaimed as Board Chair of the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education." Carried unanimously.
Mastel "Moved to close nominations." Dcn. Robert Risling is acclaimed as Vice-Chair of the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education."

Carried unanimously.

Kinch “THAT the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education holds their regularly scheduled monthly board meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of month at 2:45 p.m. and that the Committee of the Whole Meetings are held the week prior to the public meeting and that the meetings are held at the Catholic School Board Office unless otherwise determined.” 

Carried unanimously.

Public Board Meeting - September 10, 2024

Mastel “THAT the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education approve the 2024-2025 Board Work Plan.”  Carried unanimously.
Risling “THAT the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education approve the St. Mary’s National trip to Montreal QC on or about April 15, 2025 to April 23, 2025. Approval is subject to: 
• Submitting the final itinerary.
• Submitting all required forms to the Superintendent at least 90 days prior to the trip.
• Submitting a plan if a student is denied access to the flight or entry to the country.
• Transportation details finalized and approved.
• Meet any other requirement of the School District insurance provider.
• And, it is noted the Board has the right to cancel the trip at any time.”

Carried unanimously.

Risling "THAT the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education enter into a contribution agreement with the Department of Indigenous Services Canada - Special Projects, Jordan's Principle - Child First Initiative for a 2-year term beginning April 1, 2024 - March 31, 2026."

Carried unanimously.

Leahy “Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education approve the additional $35.00 Outdoor Education Fee to the 2024-2025 School Fee Listing for St. Mary’s School.” Carried unanimously.
Leahy “Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education authorize the CUPE Negotiation Committee to negotiate with the CUPE Local within the mandate as presented and sign a Memorandum of Settlement subject to the ratification by the Board of Trustees for the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education.” Carried unanimously.