School Directory

Student Registration

Online Registration

Online registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens on February 3rd!

  • If you are new to our division, you will need to create an account in SchoolEngage.
  • If you are re-registering a child currently attending one of our Catholic schools, you will need to use the PowerSchool Parent Portal for registration.

How to register a new student

How to register a returning student

To register a new student online, please create an account in SchoolEngage. After you have created your account, you will be able to select the form labelled 2025-2026 New Student Registration K-12.

If needed, please refer to the instructions provided on the New Student Online Registration Guide.

Note: Please have a clear digital (photo or scanned) copy of your child's Birth Certificate or Proof of Citizenship documentation for registration. Registrations cannot be fully accepted until the proper documentation is provided. 

Need help finding a school?

To register a new member of your family go to your PowerSchool Parent Portal and log in with your existing username, password and find the SchoolEngage link on the bottom left-hand menu.

Once in your account, you can add a student and then select 2025-2026 Student Registration Form.

If needed, please refer to the instructions provided on the Returning Student Online Registration Guide.

All are Welcome to Catholic Education!

Did you know? In Alberta, there is NO tuition to attend a Catholic School. Medicine Hat Catholic Schools warmly welcome children from all faith backgrounds, and children with no religious affiliations.

Catholic Education promotes the spiritual, academic, physical and social development of students. Teaching the foundations of Catholic beliefs, we develop a strong spirit for service, social justice and citizenship by calling our students to transform the world.