School Directory


Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education is pleased to offer Kindergarten programming at all six of our Elementary Schools.

If your child turns five by December 31, 2025, they are eligible to start Kindergarten this upcoming September! Our Catholic schools offer morning or afternoon options in English and French Immersion. Children can attend a combination of half day Kindergarten and half day ELP in the same school day.  We are proud to provide a safe, caring and inclusive learning environment for all children! Come learn with us!

Online Registration

Registration opens on February 3rd!

To register a new student online, please create an account in SchoolEngage. After you have created your account, you will be able to select the form labelled 2025-2026 New Student Registration K-12.

If needed, please refer to the instructions provided on the New Student Online Registration Guide.

Note: Please have a clear digital (photo or scanned) copy of your child's Birth Certificate or Proof of Citizenship documentation for registration. Registrations cannot be fully accepted until the proper documentation is provided.

If your child turns five on or before December 31st of the year of entry into school. Use our Kindergarten Calculator to see if your child is eligible to start kindergarten this fall!

Kindergarten Calculator

Kindergarten programs are offered in all six of our elementary schools within our division. Children can attend mornings or afternoons depending on enrollment within the registered school.

Children can attend a combination of half-day Early Learning Program and half-day kindergarten in the same school day! Out of School Care options before and after school are also available to kindergarten-age children. 

Early Learning Programs

Out of School Care



Early Literacy A is for apple: Your child will begin to understand that letters have sounds and that together those sounds form words and carry meaning. 

Early Numeracy Learning numbers and solving problems with patterns: Your child will represent and describe quantities of things up to 10.

Citizenship & Identity: I am unique and I belong! Your child will develop a strong sense of identity, self-esteem and belonging by exploring their environment and sharing stories.

Environment & Community Awareness: What do I see, smell and hear in my community? How do I shape the environment? Kindergarten children explore materials, build structures and use technology to explore, investigate and describe their world.

Personal & Social Responsibility: I know how to act and how to work and play with others. Kindergarten children develop ways to express their feelings positively and to show respect and care for others.

Physical Skills & Well-Being:A healthy body is part of a healthy life. Your child will begin to develop a love for physical activity through movement, games, and activities.

Creative Expression: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! Drama, art, music, and dance give your child ways to express their ideas and feelings, to bring their imagination to life and to see their creativity in a variety of forms.

Our Kindergarten Programs provide learning experiences that meet the developmental needs of all children. Children move through similar stages, but with their own pattern and at their own rate of development and learning. When children enter the Kindergarten Program there may be as much as a year's difference in age between the oldest and the youngest — one-fifth of their lifetime!

The learning expectations of the kindergarten program are adapted and modified to meet the needs of each child.

  • Talk often about kindergarten and reassure your child that it will be an exciting experience.
  • Attend the kindergarten open house in the spring and find out when your child can meet his/her teacher.
  • Arrange a tour of the classroom before school begins in the fall.
  • Take a picture of your child’s classroom and teacher in the spring before kindergarten starts.
  • Help your child develop a sense of responsibility. Encourage your child to look after his/her belongings.
  • Read with your child daily and have conversations about the books you are reading.
  • Provide opportunities for your child to interact with other children to promote the
    development of social skills.
  • Encourage your child to know his/her personal information (ie. First and last name and phone number).
  • Play and pray together.