Connecting with School Communities about Suicide: Hope and Resilience in Southeast Alberta
Posted on Oct 5, 2020Who: All parents, caregivers and school staff in Medicine Hat and southeast Alberta.
What: Connecting with School Communities about Suicide: Hope and Resilience in Southeast Alberta.
Special Guest Speaker: Kevin Cameron Executive Director, North American Center for Threat Assessment and Trauma Response Inc. M.Sc., R.S.W., B.C.E.T.S., B.C.S.C.R.
School Division Psychologist Speakers:
Claire Petersen, MHPSD Division Psychologist R.Psych
Greg Godard, PRSD Division Psychologist R.Psych
When: Wednesday, October 7 from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Where: Online/Virtual Session - A link to the online information session will be sent via email on Wednesday at 2:00 p.m.
How do I register for this event? If you plan on attending this information session, please click here complete a short form. Note: You are required to fill out this form in order to receive the link for the event on Wednesday.
How can I submit a question? There is an option to submit a question in the registration form link (above). Those who RSVP to the event will also be sent a link on Wednesday allowing questions to be submitted during the live information session.
Background: As you are probably aware, there have been a series of deaths by suicide in the southeast region of Alberta that have impacted many in our communities personally and weight heavy on those working to prevent further loss. Many of our children are likewise burdened by these tragedies but not all are communicating openly about their concerns. In collaboration with national specialists it the field, a recommended first step is a parent and caregiver meeting to bring all adults into a collective leadership role with our children and youth to:
- Assess the current situation,
- Understand the added dynamics of a worldwide pandemic on risk
- Educate each other on best practices for our region,
- Discuss immediate and long-term interventions,
- Identify pathways to local helping service for consultation and support
In collaboration with the Medicine Hat Public School Division, Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education, Prairie Rose Regional School Division, CAPE School, Medicine Hat Police, RCMP, Medicine Hat College and several community partners, a decision was made to hold a virtual parent and caregiver information session.
The goal of this information session is to:
- Connect with our most valuable community partners – our parents and caregivers.
- Share conversation starters and tools that parents and caregivers can use to have important and effective conversations about grief, loss and mental health.