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Invitation to the 2018 Bishop's Dinner

Posted on Sep 12, 2018

You are invited to an evening with Bishop William T. McGrattan.

The Bishop's Dinner has a long history of giving back to the community, and this year, we are celebrating Catholic Education and five incredible programs that support some of our most vulnerable students. Providing opportunities to learn and thrive to all students benefits our entire community. We hope you will join with us to support the students who need it the most.

With your blessed support, we can give Catholic youth the gift of spiritual learning and guidance -- allowing them to connect with God during their learning and to experience a life of faith.

Friday, October 19, 2018
Telus Convention Centre

120 9th Ave SE
Calgary Alberta 

I hope you will join me and my Gala Co-Chairs, Tom & Debra Mauro, for what is sure to be a very special evening.

Most Rev. William T. McGrattan
Bishop of Calgary

Beneficiaries of the 2018 Bishop's Dinner

Your funding will build on the strength our schools already have to provide our youth the spiritual and emotional support to thrive and connect with God. Together our outcomes will help the following programs: 

- Calgary Catholic School District | Engaging Youth Through Entrepreneurial Learning 
- Christ the Redeemer School District | Relationships in a Digital Age 
- Counseil Scolaire FrancoSud | School Lunch Programs
- Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education | Student Faith Retreats
- Holy Spirit Catholic School Division | Elders in Residence Program

For more information, please visit