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Truth and Reconciliation - Superintendent's Blog

Posted on Sep 30, 2021

Today has been established as a solemn day to honour the lost children and survivors of residential schools, their families and communities. It also acknowledges the history and legacy of residential schools as part of the reconciliation process. Our board of trustees has chosen to dedicate today to having students and staff learn and reflect on this incredibly heart-breaking part of our history. It is our hope that this day represents a crucial step towards healing our relationship with Indigenous peoples.

Prayer for Reconciliation

Holy One, Creator of all that is, seen and unseen, of story and of song, of heartbeat and of tears of bodies, souls, voices and all relations: you are the God of all truth and the way of all reconciliation. Uphold with your love and compassion all who open their lives in the sacred sharing of their stories breathe in us the grace to trust in your loving forgiveness, that we may face our histories with courage; touch us through the holy gift of story that those who speak and those who listen may behold your own redeeming presence; guide us with holy wisdom to enter through the gates of remorse that our feet may walk gently and firmly on the way of justice and healing. Amen.