Curriculum Renewal
Alberta is renewing the Kindergarten to Grade 12 (K to 12) curriculum, starting with K to 6. The curriculum development process is happening over a few years. Alberta’s new K to 6 curriculum is founded on four key learning themes: literacy, numeracy, citizenship, and practical skills. Learn more about the K to 6 Curriculum Renewal.
For the 2024-2025 school year, Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education and school divisions across Alberta are implementing the new provincial curriculum in the following subjects and grades:
- Science (4-6)
- French Immersion Language Arts and Literature Science (4-6)
MHCBE has opted to not pilot the new draft K to 6 Social Studies curriculum.

A Parent Resource from Alberta Education
Alberta Education has created the What Your Child Is Learning in Each Grade which will provide you with a better understanding of Alberta’s curriculum and related information for your child. This space will provide you with a better understanding of Alberta’s Kindergarten to Grade 12 curriculum, help you discover what your child is learning, and provide related information.