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Become a Homestay Family!

Posted on Sep 4, 2019

We are excited to announce the expansion of the International Education Program in our District! We are looking for families willing to open their homes to international students.

Chat TV News Story - International homestay brings new culture to both students and host families

Why become a homestay family?

Hosting a student is an enriching experience. Live the language, customs and cultures of another country vicariously through your student! Hosting an international student is an opportunity to gain a lifetime of memories and we truly hope that your student’s stay will allow you to do so.

Homestay families provide a private room, three meals a day, some transportation to school events and lots of love and support! Short Term (up to three months) and Long Term (up to a full school year).

Our International Education Coordinator will work tirelessly to understand your family dynamics in order to carefully match you and your international student. This process is initiated to ensure a great experience for both the student and the host family. We hope it will benefit both of you in terms of cultural exchange, entertainment and friendship.

Homestay Family Credentials 

  • A visit to the host residence to confirm accommodation; 
  • A Police Record Check and Intervention Record Check completed for each adult 18 years or older living in the home;
  • A private bedroom, three meals per day, and participation in family activities;
  • A warm heart and flexibility!

Learn more!

Contact our International Education Supervisor
Wanda Simmons, International Education Supervisor
Office: 403.527.2292
Cell: 403.502.6081