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Faith Formation Day

Posted on Mar 19, 2021

March 22: Updated with photos from across the district

This year Medicine Hat Catholic schools have been driven by their faith focus of "Put out into the Deep" (Luke 5:4).

We are called to reach out to others through our words and scripture to share the love of God and today we will share that love through our actions.

Every member of our Medicine Hat Catholic staff family will be involved in acts of service to our local community partners. Whether doing yard work for the women's shelter, cleaning up the Stations of the Cross and St. Joseph's Home, making meals for the Mustard Seed, supporting our food bank, making baby blankets for our Nurture Centre, helping the Salvation Army, cleaning our community or other projects, we will do this as our Lenten almsgiving call.

Our faith is to be lived and with the three pillars of Lent: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, it allows us to grow deeper in our faith while serving our community.

How blessed we are to begin our day celebrating mass with our priests and then serving those who help serve others on a daily basis.

"It is more blessed to give than to receive" - Acts 20:35


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